Wednesday, November 02, 2005

hear happiness standing on downstream

so i never update anymore. soon i'll be turning into doug or austin and updating once a month. i just don't feel like i have much to say. this was never supposed to be a "this is what i did today" thing. and as far as sharing my thoughts and opinions, i don't know that have i have many of those lately.

i could talk about the bengals, but that's nothing new. i could talk about how much i love civilization 4 and how it eats up too much of my time, but i just did. i'm too burnt out on politics to care anymore. i could talk about how much i don't like my job and i'm actually looking forward to getting laid off, but then i wonder if i'm just being ungrateful for a really well-paying opportunity that is the reason i can even afford to have an apartment. i could talk about how i don't like classes, but then i'd just be reminded of how lazy i'm being this quarter.

maybe i should talk about how poorly i use my time. it seems like work and school eat up the majority of it. then when i do have time, i usually squander it on here. i've spent way too much time playing civ4 or day of defeat: source or just sitting online and not doing important things. my room is a mess and there's a number of things i've been wanting to get done around here. there's plenty of things for school i should be reading, and i've been dying to get more into brennan manning's ragamuffin gospel. in fact, i've got a reading list a page long, half of it books i own but haven't read or finished, the rest just other things i've really been wanting to. just reading the bible would be great.

so i'm going to get off of here. austin asked to be in my post, so i'll tell you that we're going to go play the next level of halo together on legendary. after that maybe i can read or put away some clothes.

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