Friday, February 16, 2007

the marching of the feet

Well I ripped on the Bush administration the other day and now it's the Democrats' turn. So, Ted Strickland is refusing to allow any of the 7,000 Iraqi refugees being brought to the U.S. into Ohio. What happened to the Democrats supposedly being the party of the people? I thought they cared so much about the poor, the downtrodden, the disenfranchised, blah blah blah. Apparently when it comes to poor, noncitizen refugees (meaning they can't vote), the Democrats don't give a crap. This just shows that they really don't care about people at all. They care about votes. Why do the Democrats support raising minimum wage? Not because they actually care about people trying to live off of minimum wage. It's because that when the minimum wage is raised, labor unions, a Democratic-voting base, get a raise in their salaries or pay. Whenever Republicans counter legislation from the Democrats for raising minimum wage with their own legislation to raise the minimum wage but include provisions that prohibits the wages of union workers from increasing as well, the Democrats vote it down (sorry, I lost my source on that). Now I'm not arguing that raising the minimum wage is necessarily bad or that Republicans actually care about people. I'm saying our political system is rubbish.

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