Tuesday, December 28, 2004
this machine is obsolete
last, but certainly not least, congratulations to tim and elly, who got engaged on christmas eve. now we can all stop harassing tim about it... which is too bad, in a way. oh well, i'm sure we'll find something else to make fun of him for.
Monday, December 20, 2004
i am the voice inside your head
Thursday, December 16, 2004
grab a scale and guess the weight of all the pain i've given with my name
also, get ready for The 2004 Davie Awards, coming soon.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
the king called up his jet fighters
Saturday, December 11, 2004
it's funny how everything you swore would never change is different now
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
mother do you think they'll drop the bomb
once again this week, i think despite how good the patriots are, this game may come down to yet another last minute drive by the bengals. the question is, will it be marred by mistakes like it was against the jets, titans, and both steelers games, or have we finally learned enough to repeat last week's comeback? as good as the patriots are, the bengals have been repeatedly showing up for the hard teams the past two seasons (kansas city; then denver, most of the second steelers game, and against baltimore last week), so i think they will again. hopefully the defense will get the extra motivation to stop the run by facing corey dillion. i'm sure he'll be motivated to run all over us,
it's going to be tough, and i'm trying not to get my hopes up. the pats defense is probably better than baltimore's (even without ty law), and their offense definately is. it's also no easy feat to win at gillete stadium, especially in december. regardless, there's no reason why the bengals can't at least finish this season by breaking even.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
you got a bullet in your head
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games
i've gone back to playing through Knight of the Old Republic on the dark side. i have to say, it's even more fun this way. just like in the Jedi Knight series, dark side force powers are way more fun. i'm hoping to get the upcoming sequel for christmas, so i want to have beaten the first game on both sides. still the best star wars game ever.
Monday, November 22, 2004
time, dr. freeman?
having completed half-life 2, i can say that it more than lives up to the hype. in fact, it surpasses the original in nearly every way. if i had to come up with a complaint, it would have to be that the ending it a little too open ended for my taste. your team ai could be a little better as well, but i didn't seem to be bothered with that as much as some reviewers.
the story is one of the best in any game i've played. i couldn't wait to get to the end, and now that i'm there i'm both sad that it's over, and eagerly anticipating the third installment. there are few games where i've ever cared about the characters as much as i have in this game. one of the biggest achievement with valve's realistic facial expressions and voice-acting is that the people really come alive. you can see the emotion in their faces and hear it in their voices. part of the reason i can't wait till HL3 is that i'm already dying to know what happened to my companions. it's possibly the most cinematic game experience i've seen. this is the new benchmark by which all other action games will be judged.
obviously, half-life 2 and halo 2 will be compared a lot, due to both their glowing reviews and huge fan bases. in my mind, it's not even a competition.
halo 2 was definately a let-down in single player. halo 2's gameplay stuck to the same basic formula throughout. you move from room to room, killing everything. sure, you play half the game as an elite, but that change is mainly cosmetic. the actual gameplay itself is the same. the story is more detailed than the original, but i thought some parts were absurd, and others failed to be given adequate explanation. on the other hand, half-life 2 is probably the best single player game ever made. it may be a first-person shoot,er but it transcends every genre in that catergory. it's an action game, obviously. other parts, such as the urban uprising against the combine, have such a wargame feel to theme to them that i kept thinking back to games such as call of duty. the ravenholm level is a downright white-knuckled horror scenario. the two driving levels are packed full of adrenaline, and some of the most fun i've ever had using vehicles in a game. as i said before, the story itself is extremely engrossing, to the point that you want to find out about every little etail and speck of possible background information.
*warning: this may have some spoilers*
as far as endings go, both games decided to go with cliffhangers to leave their fans salivating for the third installment. however, in my mind one was done correctly, and the other was poorly. as the player reaches the end of halo 2, he has no idea he's at the end. as master chief approached earth, i was preparing myself for the big showdown with the covenant. this was going to be the big climax. then BAM, bungie pulls the plug. there was no big showdown. no final battle for victory. bungie didn't put an ending on the game, they just chopped it in half and stuck a "to be continued" on the end. i felt like i'd been robbed.
half-life 2's ending didn't make me feel as if i'd just wasted my time. keep in mind, the ending is still very open ended. in fact, it is a little disappointing that more isn't immediately resolved or explained. however, hl2 had a climax. like, halo 2, near the end i was feeling pumped at the impending showdown with dr. breen. even though the ending may actually open up more questions than it answers, it still left me with a very real sense of accomplishment. there is also a lot of intrigue and theories to speculate on, which keeps the game fresh. i loaded my last save to watch the ending again, and then went back and played through the whole last level to see if i could gain any more insight on what had happened. i already want to go back and play through the whole game again to see if i can catch and clues or details that i missed the first time. but that's all i want to say about the ending without anyone having played it.
it seems valve can do no wrong. let's just pray we don't have to wait another six years.
Saturday, November 20, 2004
this is a call to all my past resignations
Thursday, November 18, 2004
we don't go to ravenholm
i failed to mention oin my previous post another aspect of the game that i believe is as revolutionary as it's character presentation, and that is the physics of the game. the game features the greatest physics engine i've ever witnessed in a game, by far. first of all, there are countless interactive items in the game: bottles, cinder blocks, boxes, tires, barrels, furniture, playground equipment, etc. gordon can pick up, move around, and throw all kinds of objects, as aptly represented by penny-arcade. what's even more unique is that every object has it's own specific weight and mass, in accordance to it's real-life properties. the realism this provides to the game's atmosphere is amazing. what's even more incredible is the next step that is taken in this interactivity with the game world when gordon gets his hands on the gravity gun. what the gravity gun does is it allows gordon to push, grab, and throw all kinds of objects, especially ones too heavy for him to lift on his own. more importantly, it allows gordon to utilize the objects around him, turning them into weapons.
the significance of this is the new level of depth and ingenuity it allows when playing the game. running short on ammo? don't worry, just use the gravity gun to begin hurling barrels at your enemies. or how about throwing buzz saws, propane tanks, or propeller blades? this game allows you to turn a chest of drawers from a piece of furniture into a weapon to be launched at your adversaries. it also allows you to pick up objects and shield yourself from enemy fire.
but the depth the physics adds to the gameplay isn't limited to when you have the gravity gun. let's say you're being shot at by enemies standing atop a wooden platform. instead of trying to take them all out, find a way to shoot out or blow up the supports for the platform and watch them tumble. there are all kinds of ways to deal with each and every situation. pure genius.
i could rant on more, like how the sound is superb, and greatly enhances to the atmosphere of the game. like how i'm seriosuly freaked out by the ravenholm level, a dark town filled with all kinds of zombie/alien horrors. the whole atmosphere is great, it just sucks you in. nothing like seeing these haunting corpses hanging everywhere, when eerie howls suddenly pierce the night and the creature appears on a rooftop across the town, silhouetted in the moonlight. might not seem like anything major when you're reading about it, but the effect in the game is extremely unnerving. you really feel like you're gordon, groaning "oh great.." at what you have to deal with next. valve, you guys are the greatest.
yes, i'm obsessed. for good reason. it's amazing. and no, i won't stop raving about it for a long time. sometime i need to give the new counter-strike a try, but there's no way i'll play anything else till this is finished.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
rise and shine, mr. freeman. rise and shine.
ahh man, this is the stuff. after much frustration over steam (note: you cannot dock HL2 as a game because of valve's being unprepared for massive traffic on steam), i finally got the game registered and the files unlocked. after such a big headache, can this game live up to the hype?
oh, does it ever.
i could rant for hours and i've only just begun to get into the game. worth every second of the wait. the atmosphere is incredible. as the game fired up, i was literally on the edge of my seat, leaning forward towards the monitor to get as close to the action as possible.
this game looks gorgeous, and plays fairly well on my computer, with decent settings. what stands out the most are the characters: they have the most life-like features that i've ever seen. valve used all kinds of technology to map out the muscles in the face of characters, allowing for all kinds of realistic expressions. and the lips are perfectly synched with the voices, making the game even more realistic. the voice acting itself is superb so far, a very professional job. in fact, it's down right cinematic.
the action is extremely intense, far more varied than halo 2's "go into a room, clear it out, next room, clear it out, repeat" formula. much of the action at the beginning are adrenaline-pumping chases as you flee pursuing combine forces, for awhile without even a weapon to fight back. once you are armed, things get even more action-packed, every bit of it is thrilling.
of course, the overwhelming sense of nostalgia that flowed from the beginning of the game made me love it all the more. the ominous face of the g-man, the voice of my scientist companion, the sound of a headcrab jumping, the return of the terrifying shiver i get every time i see one of those huge, horrible pirhana-like monsters in the water, and most of all, the tingle on the back of my neck when i hopped once again into HEV suit. incredible. i can't even describe it. let's just say it's taking all the self-restraint i have not to load the game back up and play it all not long. there's no way i'm going to pay attention in class tomorrow.
ladies and gentlemen, gordon freeman has returned!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
dear valve software,
a very, very bitter old man
Saturday, November 13, 2004
i've been around all the pawns you've gagged and bound
in other news, maybe due to my blasphemous comments about halo 2, my body seems bound determined to kill me. first i start off with the whole congested sinuses, sore throat, and cough. needless to say, i've been up the past three nights trying just to breath, never mind sleep (which explains why i'm on here at 5 am). the pile of used tissues in my garbage can is staggering. then my congestion becomes so severe that my nose starts bleeding because i've been blowing it so much. then the nice white sores appear in my throat. and now my head is so backed up the mucus has decided to start coming out my eyes along with my nose (apparently we shouldn't have joked about my eyes bleeding doug, that's probably next). i don't want it to sound like i'm complaining, but it's only 5 am and i can't sleep, so i've got to talk about something to entertain myself.
Friday, November 12, 2004
ain't found a way to kill me yet
multiplayer hasn't completely blown me away yet, but that's just because i haven't had a good chance to truly experience its greatness. playing at doug's house was alright, but his brother's friends just kept screwing around, and making small games on their own instead of 16 people. don't get me wrong, i can see the hints of greatness hiding under the surface, i just need a better setting to bring out the best in the game next time i play.
Monday, November 08, 2004
i wanna be your superman
fall conference was a blast. i managed to avoid getting too sick, which is more than i can say for austin, who thankfully didn't die. i also played a rediculous amount of ultimate frisbee. it was really cool to hang out with everyone and get to no more of the people from uc. however, getting elbowed in the head during naval destroyer and staying up till 4 am finishing my paper last night were not fun.
but that's all done, and tonight i get to pick up Halo 2!! ign.com gives it a 9.8, and i have no doubt it's going to be mind-blowing. picking up my preorder from gamestop at midnight, and then it's no sleep once again tonight. but it's going to be so worth it.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
i feel stupid and contagious
i'm seeking a friend for the end of the world
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
come together, right now, over me
school is agonizing, as usual. a midterm and a test today, they both could have been worse, but they also could have been a lot better. another midterm on friday. the hard part is going to be getting my book review for history done. it's due on this coming monday, and i still have to read most of the book and write it. wouldn't be a problem except that i'm going to be gone all weekend at the navs fall conference, and then when i get back sunday night i'm going to the velvet revolver concert. arg. school's such a waste. i don't even feel like i have a real reason in being here. and seriously, in the grand scheme of things, for the 50 or so more years max i might be around, who cares? it's totally not worth it. how much cooler would it be to take the $7k or so a year i spend on school and using it to buy toys for children in the hospital? or buy some homeless people some warm clothes and food. or help my church pay off their loan. or donate to research to cure aids. or whatever.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
throw away your television, take the noose off your ambition
Monday, October 25, 2004
what did you bring me, my dear friends, to keep me from the gallows pole
now i just hope, like everyone else, that we can at least put up a fight against denver tonight.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
the mouths of babes scream revolution
speaking of the concert, i bought two tickets yesterday. right now jess said she would go with me since no one else gave me a definate "yes". however, she said if i find someone else that wants to go, then they can buy her ticket ($35). so if anyone still wants to go, it's not to late to change your mind.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
i walk the line
oh yeah, and someone needs to tell the ref that just putting your hands on the qb's shoulder doesn't count as unnecessary roughness. some pass interference calls wouldn't hurt either.
Saturday, October 16, 2004
fell too fast your wings won't hold
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
if you're free you'll never see the walls
highs: everything: graphics, gameplay. it's what experts have been predicting for this medium.
lows: squadmates sometimes get in your way; low-res textures in huge outdoor scenes.
bottom line: Surpasses Half-Life in every way. Arguably the greatest game of all time.
Editor's Choice
Saturday, October 09, 2004
the world is a joke when out of love
halo theme song
nice to know you
idiot box
wish you were here
just a phase
stellar (police cover)
beware! criminal
here in my room
drive remix
hiphop jam
vitamin (drum solo)
everything in ebb
talk shows on mute
made for tv movie
are you in?
sick, sad little world
southern girl
under my umbrella
i forgot to mention the halo theme song before. when they were starting to come on stage they had the music from the halo main menu playing (the music that sounds like monks chanting). it was a sweet start. i also forgot about "vitamin", which is another song from science.
under my umbrella i'm an accomplished exile
incubus came on around 9. i think they must have played for at least an hour and a half. obviously they played most of their new album, which i only listened to once or twice, so i know some of the songs too well. they played two from science, two from make yourself, and five from morning view. i know they played at least seven from a crow left of the murder that i recognized, but there were plenty others i didn't recognize that were probably also from that album. they opened with "pistola", one of the tracks from crow that i did like, so that was a good start.
they covered most of the hits: "stellar", "nice to know you", "wish you were here", "are you in?" "megalomaniac", "talk shows on mute" (which i can't stand). they played a different version of "drive" which was AWESOME. instead of playing the acoustic guitar the guitarist played the keyboard, and the bass player played a much more prominant part. it's kinda hard to explain, but it was sweet. i almost think i liked it better than the original. "idiot box" from science was good, but the version of "nebula" was just alright. a few other older songs would have been nice, especially something like "the warmth" or "new skin". "just a phase" was good as well, but i was kind of surprised they didn't play "warning". they had a long drum solo which was pretty cool, but nothing too awesome. what i did like a lot was a long, solo-filled version of "sick, sad little world" from crow. it was excellent. i decided i'd have to burn that cd and give it another listen. they closed out the regular set with "megalomaniac" which i wasn't too big on as a single, but it was an awesome closer.
of course they waited around for five minutes while everyone cheered and banged on chairs before they came back out for the expected three song encore. i think we were all expecting "pardon me", seeing as it was their first big hit and they hadn't played in their first set. they started with a song i didn't recognize from their new album which was pretty good. then a slower song from the new album which was alright, but not that great. i thought they should have stuck with the more fast-paced songs for the encore. brandon boyd finally had to blow it right before the last song. i'd been expecting all night to hear stupid anti-bush comments from him, and he made it all the way till the very end without saying anything. right before the end he told everyone to "go out and vote" and "make some change" and then something i couldn't hear, both because people started cheering and the guitar started playing, so it's probably better that i couldn't hear. then the final song, and we're all waiting for "pardon me". but to my surprise they launch in to "under my umbrella", which was both a disappointment because it meant no "pardon me" and a bonus because i completely forgot about the possibility of them playing it, and i LOVE that song. one of my favorite from morning view. the live version was awesome, i thought it was one of the best songs they played.
overall i thought it was a real good show. my only complaints would be a few more old songs, a few less new ones, and "pardon me". oh, and hearing "aqueous transmission" would have been sweet, but i figured that was a little unrealistic to expect.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
with the lights out it's less dangerous
i got books from amazon today, including miller's new one, searching for god knows what. i've only read past the first chapter, but so far i like what he's saying. he also rips on france, so you can't go wrong with that.
i also got billy corgan's poetry book, blinking with fists. i was a little hesitant to get it, but i've always loved his lyrics so i thought i'd go ahead and pick it up. i'm looking forward to hearing his solo album which he just finished recording and should be out early next year.
Friday, October 01, 2004
karma police, i've given all i can
Thursday, September 30, 2004
i fell into a burning ring of fire
...except for jess' birthday, of course.
here's an interview from halflife2.net interviewing Chuck Osborn from PC Gamer, who got to review half-life 2:
Icarus: What was your reaction when you found out you would be the first to review Half-Life 2?
Chuck Osborn: It was a mixture of excitement and trepidation, because of the responsibility of being the first one to review it.
Icarus: Was it worth the wait?
Chuck Osborn: Absolutely
Icarus: How long is the review?
Chuck Osborn: Nine pages, plus we have a four page story telling you what you need to know about running Half-Life 2 on your system.
Icarus: Did it seem dated?
Chuck Osborn: Not at all.
Icarus: Are there any spoilers in the review?
Chuck Osborn: There are some mild spoilers, because you can’t review it without giving away something. I say very clearly when to stop reading if you don’t want to know anything. If you read the entire review, there are a lot of surprises I don’t talk about, because I want you to be surprised. This is not a spoiler review.
Icarus: Does it have multiplayer, if so what are they?
Chuck Osborn: Counter-Strike Source is the multiplayer.
Icarus: Only CS:S, no Deathmatch?
Chuck Osborn: Only CS:S
Icarus: Has it (CS:S) changed any from Beta?
Chuck Osborn: It’s what they say it’s going to be, but with a few surprises
Icarus: Who did you get to play it with?
Chuck Osborn: Valve as well as playing in within our own offices
Icarus: Did you get to play HL Source?
Chuck Osborn: Yes.
Icarus: Can you tell me anything about HL:Source?
Chuck Osborn: Nope
Icarus: Is it (HL:S) included in the review?
Chuck Osborn: Yes, it's discussed in a sidebar along with a few screenshots.
Icarus: Anything you want to say the users before I go?
Chuck Osborn: I'm just glad I don't have to keep my playing Half-Life 2 a secret anymore! It was killing me. Trust me...you won't be disappointed.
Monday, September 27, 2004
take time with a wounded hand, cause it likes to heal
back in school, it's going all right so far. i like 3 of my classes so far, american history to 1820, intro to american govt., and political theory. i dropped russian after two days, so i'm taking econ102 (macro) to fill that spot. and despite absolutely noo feedback from my wonderful advisor, i fixed my own math problem by dropping college algebra 2 for prob and stats. i looked up major requirements and the polisci recommendations are to take a 3 class sequence of prob and stats. hopefully i won't be too behind after missing a class. spent over $500 on books which is way more than any other quarter. hopefully it'll come down a little after i return all the russian and algebra stuff, especially if austin lets me use his old econ book.
in other news, john kerry backs the renewal of the assault rifle ban... just don't ask him to give up his own chinese assault rifle.
oh goody, iran has the ability to launch strategic missles against it's nieghbors (israel, iraq, u.s. forces in the middle east). that's just what we need to make this region stable and safe.
in the year 2009... the tonight show will become the funniest show on tv.
Friday, September 17, 2004
forever in debt to your priceless advice
oh, and more people need to hurry and join my yahoo survival football group. it really only takes two minutes each week, so get anyone you know to join. the more people the better.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
so i made a big mistake, try to see it once my way
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
the winds of thor are blowing cold
of course, from now on i'll make sure to only add money to my phone online instead.
Monday, September 06, 2004
she'll come back as fire to burn all the liars, leave a blanket of ash on the ground
i successfully completed my attempt at eating ice cream for every day during the month of august. the best part was when i topped it off by eating an entire quart of sherbet on the 31st. i swear, i thought i was going to go into a diabetic coma.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
the street heats the urgency of sound
played poker with austin and his brother's friends last night. it was sweet. i came in second and won $10, so i made a $5 profit. i definately got lucky with the cards. one hand i got called all in on and won; after the next hand i was the chip leader, so i had two huge hands there. it finally came down to me and corey, and it went back and forth for awhile. i finally decided to just get it over with and went all in; i ended with a queen high flush, but corey beat me with an ace high flush. still, it was my first time playing for money and i beat four other guys who play a lot, so i'd say i did pretty freakin' well. plus i got to take poor austin's money, so that's always fun.
going to see napoleon dynamite tonight. it better be funny or i'm making austin watch alien over and over till he likes it.
Friday, August 20, 2004
ticking away the moments that make up the dull day
my japanese history prof still hasn't fixed my incomplete, and in a week in turns into an F. which means i'm ineligible for my scholarships. which means i have to take out more loans. which means angry davie. roar. >=O
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
let me stand next to your fire
Sunday, August 08, 2004
walking tall machine gun man
eyes burn with stinging sweat
seems every path leads me to nowhere
wife and kids household pet
army green was no safe bet
the bullets scream to me from somewhere
they come to snuff the rooster
yeah here come the rooster
you know he ain't gonna die
walkin' tall machine gun man
they spit on me in my home land
gloria sent me pictures of my boy
got my pills 'gainst mosquito death
my buddy's breathin' his dyin' breath
oh god please won't you help me make it through
they come to snuff the rooster
yeah here come the rooster, yeah
you know he ain't gonna die
no, no, no ya know he ain't gonna die
R.I.P. Nathan Scott Phillips ????-2004
Sunday, August 01, 2004
i'm alone and i'm an easy target
Saturday, July 31, 2004
you don't know how you got here, you just know you want out
ign.com has a good overview and analysis of www.ilovebees.com that you should check out.
Monday, July 26, 2004
you're a pinko commie
Saturday, July 24, 2004
here we are now, entertain us
i wish i could get my head out of this sand
Sunday, July 18, 2004
we chase misprinted lies
Monday, July 12, 2004
and when i start to come undone, stitch me together
that said, the new york post had a great editorial on why going to war in iraq was still the right thing to do. let's face it, saddam clearly harbored terrorists such as this al-zarqawi guy. it shouldn't be crucial as to whether or not he had links to al qaeda, the point is that he still aided terrorists and terrorist groups that are hostile to the united states. in the same way, removing saddam was the right thing to do whether or not he had stores of weapons of mass destruction. remember, this is the war on terrorism, not the war on al qaeda or the war on weapons of mass destruction. which means we fight terrorism at every front, in every form.
wow, so apparently the democrats consider america incapable of conducting our own elections. a group has petitioned kofi annan at the united nations to send an international group to oversee the election process in florida. the whole idea is absoutely absurb, why in the world would we petition for an international group to oversee our own private national elections?! did they even bother to think that chances are a good number of these overseers won't even be from democratic nations? what do they know of democracy? i'm glad they think the united states is too incompetant to handle this.
and finally, here's a good article outlining many of the things the media won't tell you about their darling john edwards. what a fraud.
Saturday, July 10, 2004
i never let on that i was on a sinking ship
that's the only optimistic thing i have to say in this post.
the kerry/edwards ticket was fairly predictable. too bad people are going to be fooled by his stupid southern accent into voting for them, regardless of the fact that he doesn't care about the little guy, instead he's a multi-millionaire trial lawyer who made his fortune on frivolous lawsuits. there's a real winner. sounds kinda like michael moore: a millionaire exploiting the lower rungs of society.
speaking of moore, i'd love it if for once the media would report to the american populace exactly what he thinks about them. that's right, he says that we americans are "possibly the dumbest people on the planet." that's right, he despises all those individuals going to spend their money on his propaganda. yep, he's a real crusader for the little guy.
in fact, he loves america so much that he's going to give more propaganda ammunition to the people who already hate it by opening the movie in countries like egypt, syria, jordan and lebanon. you know, countries where the people just love americans to death. literally. not only that, but moore's movie is actually getting support from groups related to hezbollah, the terrorist organization that is second only to al qaeda in the number of americans it has murdered. there's a great fan base for you. of course, michael moore is probably ecstatic. after all, we're too stupid for him anyway.
Friday, July 09, 2004
with eyes so dialated i've become your pupil
Monday, July 05, 2004
start this off without any words
there's a ton of good movies coming out. i saw dodgeball, but i still need to see spiderman 2, then king arthur this wednesday, and anchorman friday. there's a ton of other good movies, like the village, alien v. predator, and more coming out this summer that should be good.
dangit. here i thought it was 9:15 this whole time, and i find out that there was a huge storm last night and it's really 11:30.
Sunday, June 27, 2004
open your eyes to the millions of lies that they tell you everyday
i simply cannot get over michael moore and his lies. it would be one thing if no one was listening. but F9/11 is going to be a huge hit, and people with no other source of information are going to believe everything he tells them. it wouldn't be such a big deal if it didn't have such a crucial role in deciding this year's election. people listen to sources like moore and howard stern who have no idea what they're talking about, but they don't double-check the facts elsewhere, they just take it at face value.
-a christian opinion on farenheit 9/11
-a liberal journalist exposes the lies in F9/11
also, be sure to check out the links rob posted in his blog.
*Edit: the tricks and lies of Bowling for Columbine
of course the problem is that anyone who checks this and reads these articles probably already agrees with me, so i'ts like i'm preaching to the choir here. but it can't hurt to read the articles so that if a conversation comes up with someone else, you're prepared.
Saturday, June 26, 2004
all the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything
*Edit: Minimum Wage Myths
in some good news, there is finally news of some conservative documentaries coming out. hopefully someone will finally expose moore for the fraud and hypocrite he is. and our very own conservative film festival. september road trip to dallas anyone?
for those about to rock
oh yeah, so yesterday i come home from work at 11, expecting to find my sister still asleep. instead she's downstairs in my room, playing ghost recon. apparently she just got bored and decided she wanted to play a first-person shooter. she played through bootcamp and started a mission, only to have all but one of her team slaughtered in the first couple minutes. it was hilarious. she did a good job with her last man for nearly an hour till he finally bit the bullet. i told her ghost recon was probably a little too tactical for her, so i got her started on quake last night. who knows, there may be hope for her yet. and if i can convert her, maybe i can get jess too...
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
roll the window down, this cool night air is curious
1. who is coming? myself, jess, austin, doug, and horgan. i think my brother. justin again? rob? anyone else? i need to know who expects me to get tickets for them.
2. is there any game or day people can't go to? naturally i'll try for the monday night game first, but that's gonna be hard to get. see schedule.
3. any preference on seats and ticket price? we had seats near the top last year, but they were in the middle, great view, and only $44. so that would probably be what i would go for again.
4. naturally, if i'm ordering all these tickets together, it's gonna be expensive. so i need money in advance. meaning NOW.
tickets are set to go on sale in july, so let's not waste time on this. i'm planning on getting them asap. so if you get left out, i'm sorry. also, if this gets too big, we're gonna have to split into a couple small groups or something. i'm doing this on a first come, first serve basis.
oh yeah, doug and jenny, if you guys want to two-ticket packs still, you're on your own. my plan is to go to an early game, and then try to get tickets to a later one at a later date if i want to go again. but going once is all i really care about.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
take you as low as you go
the end.
-props to rob for spending way too much time on fark.
bush/cheney: 4 more in 2004
Thursday, June 17, 2004
light my candles in a daze cause i've found God
got my grades from UC. i did well, and i even got a C in the class i failed the exam in, so that was good. BUT, i have an Incomplete in japanese history, so i hope he just didn't finish his grades yet. otherwise he must not have received my final that i emailed to him twice. hopefully i can get this worked out. but now i need to go cut grass before i head in for a half day at work.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
keep me runnin' like a deer in the headlights
i major in history because i enjoy some of it, but i'd still rather read it in a book or watch movies/tv shows based on it than sit there and listen to some professor's interpretation of what was important from a particular era. i took two classes that both dealt with 20th century europe, particularly 1900-1945, and it's funny what the differences can be in what each professor emphasises. and i'm going to major in poli-sci because it's something i'm passionate about. that's something i keep coming back to when trying to figure out a major or career. clearly, i think God has made me so passionate (or practically militant) about my political views for a reason. does that mean it's something he wants me to focus my life on? i can't ever see myself being a politician; i'd always say exactly what i thought, which would never fly in today's politically correct world. even majoring in it has me apprehensive. all the professor's are going to be rediculously liberal, and i'm not sure i have the inclination or patience to sit there and suffer through their Bush-bashing and impressing their leftist views on me. and of course, if i speak up, i'll quite possibly be screwing myself over by completely disagreeing with them.
burkee and i saw Troy last night. *spoilers follow* it was pretty good. the action was sweet, i've always been a fan of greco-roman style warfare. yes, that is pretty much the main thing i enjoy about history, the warfare. anyway, the slow parts of the movie were fine, it didn't seem to really drag at all to me. the problem i had with the movie was who to root for. they show you good and bad characters on both sides, so who do you want to win? naturally, i had a good idea of who died and i knew who won since i've taken mythology, but i still had trouble with watching some of the best characters in the film die at the hands of other characters i liked.
i got the impression the filmmakers wanted us to root for helen and paris, the two star-crossed lovers, escaping the big ogre of a husband. yeah right, first of all their so selfish that they care only about their own lust, at the costs of hundreds of thousands of lives. i can't believe paris freakin' lived. what a selfish, pretty-boy pansy. of course, i'm not surprised they didn't brutally kill him, they tend not to show the brutal deaths of women, and paris was obviously the biggest girl in the movie. but you've got the good on troy's side: hector (possibly the most likable character) and priam, and the bad: mainly paris. then there's the good on the greek: achilles (the coolest character), odysseus, ajax, and achilles' second in command. and the bad: agamemnon and menalaus. so who do i root for in the achilles-hector fight? i can't really root for anyone, since i know achilles is going to kill hector and drag his battered body around. hector was definately the most noble character in the film, so it's sad to watch him suffer that kind of death. and of course i knew girly-boy paris shooting achiles in the heel would piss me off. but as much as i hated paris, i can't say i wanted to see menalaus kill him. and i didn't want to see agamemnon victorious, but i knew the greeks would win. this was my problem with the movie, too many people to root for on each side. i think they wanted me to like the torjans more, but how can i hate ALL the greeks with people like achilles and odysseus? anyway, it was still a good flick.
Sunday, June 06, 2004
try to save myself but my self keeps slipping away
arg, so tired. soccer was fun, first time i've played outdoor in a year and a half. it was just good to be playing again, even if we did lose. two exams tomorrow, which sucks. plus i need to finish my english paper on memento. i got a decent amount done, but i'm just too tired. guess i'll just go to bed now and get up early to finish. i cant wait to get done with exams.
i also can't wait to get a couple days off of school and work this week to relax and hang out. jess is in california, so i'm just gonna watch movies and play video games all week. burkee and i are planning on seeing troy this week, so that should be sweet.
i'm on my time with everyone... i have very bad posture
secondly, today marks the 60th anniversary of D-Day. talk about a group of heroes, i can't even imagine what they went through. talk about something to be proud of. what makes it so sad to me is to think of all the veterans we are losing every day. they are an anchor to our society, reminding us of a time when we were united in our fight against evil. peter bronsan's article in the enquierer last week about WWII veterans was right on. i think i'll watch saving private ryan today if i can...
Saturday, June 05, 2004
help me find the dawn of the dying day
today i found a site with some hilarious conservative t-shirts. seriously, this shirt had to have been designed with me in mind. it's like my dream shirt. granted, some of the shirts are too far over the top, but most are great. a few other highlights:
the reagan knock-off of the che guevara shirts. here's a shirt i wish i'd had when i was in environmental science. some good bush shirts. a hilarious axis of evil shirt. and of course, shirts mocking the french. and more.
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage
now some liberal feminazi judge has decided that bush's partial-birth abortion ban is unconstitutional, because it interferes with a woman's right to choose, blah blah blah, bs bs bs. and to quote: "She agreed with abortion rights activists that a woman's right to choose is paramount, and that it is therefore "irrelevant" whether a fetus suffers pain, as abortion foes contend." wow, so the pain and suffering of a defenseless, unborn human being is "irrelevant"?!
i'm sorry, but i can't wait for this lady to rot in hell! i know have no place to judge her, but this is downright sickening. how in the world can you think that you have to right so subject a human being to this: "During the procedure, the living fetus is partially removed from the womb, and its skull is punctured or crushed."?
So women get the right to choose to have that done to their unborn child? wow. maybe we should just let the terrorists have this country, i'm not sure i'd want to defend any land that is this barbaric. where's my right to choose to kill a liberal? at least i'd just shoot them in the head or something, i wouldn't CRUSH THEIR SKULL.
the article also gives me more reasons to love steve chabot and hate bill clinton. chabot is the major force behind the ban, while clinton vetoed the ban twice during his term. what a jerk.
here comes the water... it comes to wash away the sins of you and i
/shameless plug
woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head
i'm so freakin' tired. spent all yesterday working on this stupid japanese history final. i'm on my 9th page now, and i've written all but one of them in less than 24 hours. not bad for me, considering my horrible lack of concentration. i definately waste way more time than i actually spend working. ehich is why it takes me forever. in fact, i had to wake up early this morning to continue working on it, and i'm still finishing it up. but i should be fine, i'm finally wrapping it up, and it doesn't hsve to be in till noon. and since i don't have any classes today, i'm just going to email it to my prof. i'm so glad to have this stupid class over, now if i could just be done with the rest of them already.
dougie and i are gonna watch Wag the Dog after work today. we have to watch it for english, which is fine with me, i've always wanted to see it. i've heard it basically resembles the whole clinton-lewinsky affair/war in kosovo scenario, so i'm always up for something that reveals clinton for the horrible president he was, especially when it comes to foreign policy. and let's not forget that kosovo was a unilateral military campaign. all the bush-bashing clinton lovers tend to forget that little detail.
time to finish this stupid paper up. i've been listening to a bunch of the later beatles stuff lately. it seems to help me while i'm writing. plus it just owns.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
sit with elders of the gentle race this world has seldom seen
i could listen to "achilles last stand" by zeppelin till my ears started bleeding. the song is to my ears what a bag of sour patch kids is to my tongue, pure bliss. mmmm, sour patch kids. bonham's drumming is just so amazing, how does one band manage to get both one of the greatest drummers AND guitarists ever? not to mention robert plant, what a hilariously great frontman. and they broke up five years befoer i was even born. *sniff*
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
ride a white mare in the footsteps of dawn
the cappies award show was last night. if you don't know, it's basically like a mini-oscars (or tonies i guess) award show for high school theater, and it has a bunch of area school involved. mercy was nominated for 11 awards, and won six of them. unfortunately Jess was robbed of the best featured (supporting) actress in a play by some girl from another school whose part seemed to consist of a bunch of screaming, which is apparently what good talent means. mercy was also robbed of the overall best play award by a sycamore, who didn't win any other awards the whole night, so i'm not sure how that works. anyway, her graduation is tonight, followed by a party on a boat down on the river, so that should be cool.
wow, it just randomly started pouring out of nowhere down here. i'm sitting in langsam, when all of a sudden i hear this loud pounding noise on the skylight. it seems there's also a leak in the ceiling nearby, because there's this really annoying dripping sound that is driving me crazy.
the girl on this computer before me left her instant messenger screen name logged on. not smart. it's a good thing i'm not a huge jerk, or i could really screw her over. actually... i have no idea whether or not she is actually a she.
i hate to beat a dead horse, but i nearly did a dance of glee when i found THIS about michael moore. the man fancies himself as a big defender of american workers, and then proceeds to outsource the design and hosting of his webpage to Canadian companies. why not an American company if you're really so big on helping the workers of America, mr. moore? oh wait, it's because you're a big hypocritical jerk, who cares nothing about the actual people you claim to help, and simply have an agenda to push to further your own personal ends. but of course, when the media if hyping farenheit 9/11 in it's attempts to help you sway the election against Bush, no one will bother to point out your blatant hypocrisy. after all, the media would never do anything to discredit your propaganda.
dangit, it's still raining. i don't want to walk all the way to blegen from here. :(
Thursday, May 20, 2004
with a purple umbrella and a fifty-cent hat
let's face it, someone who assigns the blame for 9/11 by saying ""I think Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Lott and the Republican Party owe the American people and the families of those 3,000 dead a huge f***ing apology." is a FREAKIN' MORON. @$&#! i seriously get so pissed off when i read something like that. if you've had your head anyway but stuck up your own arse for the past decade, you'd know that if it wasn't for the clinton administration's complete and utter lack of action to capture bin laden, we wouldn't be in this mess right now. blame bush for 9/11? how in the world can you do that, when osama was behind multiple terrorrist attacks against american targets during clinton's presidency. what kind of idiot would blame gingrich and lott. come on they were what, congressmen (senators)? what the heck are they supposed to do? they can't authorize action against something like that. how about blaming clinton, the man who was in charge?! grrr! anger! rage-ahol! mmmm, rage-ahol.
no, i don't actually have a list of "people in america i loathe and despise". but i should.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
little stars that burn the holes in my soul
i officially have a major! i finally gave in and declared a history major on a whim monday. not because that's what i'm sure i want to go into, but because i wanted some more priority when i registered for fall classes tomorrow.
played UT2004 online for the first time tonight, and it was pretty fun. it's not going to unseat counter-strike as my favorite online game, but it was good nonetheless. invasion was pretty cool with live people, i didn't like it much with bots. onslaught mode with real people was sweet, although usually one-sided. but i did get in one server where both teams consistently won matches. in fact, one round my team was pushed back all the way to our own powercore, and even when it looked hopeless, we pushed back and turned the tables on the other team. pwnage.
so did you hear about michael moore's new liberal propaganda, "farenheit 9/11"? yeah... i hate him.
Saturday, May 15, 2004
see my heart i decorate it like a grave
Friday, May 14, 2004
things have never been so swell, and i have never felt this well
i'm feelin' really burnt out on school. i'm tired of writing all these papers and taking all these tests, because i don't feel like i'm accomplishing anything. for one, i don't really learn anything. i've always thought that the education system is pointless the way someone (me) can get through by regurgitating facts back on tests and cranking out bs papers. really, i'm just getting frustrated on the whole lack of major thing. history? i really don't think i want to teach. sounds boring. but what else do you do with history? political science? maybe, but still what do you do with it? besides, i'd be so angry and bitter all the time with all the left-wing professors shoving their opinions at me that i would be miserable. so what else? i don't just want a major, i want an idea of what i want to freakin' do for a career. college is too expensive and time consuming to simply wing it, pick a major, and wait to see where i find myself.
of course, a lot of this frustration probably has a lot to do with my lack of quality time with God. for one, i need something appealing to go through (read) and then the time and motivation to do it. it's not that i'm not talking to him, i'm doin' a whole lot of that. i've been searching for guidance in a number of issues, but i'm just not feeling any leading. i'm sure he's talking, but i must not really be listening, because all i can come up with are my feelings, which flip-flop more than john kerry.
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
curl like smoke and breathe again
second, the delhi job is pretty much in the bag. i know i should be thankful for the opportunity to make all this money, but i have mixed feelings about the whole thing. i'm not at all excited about working full time seven days a week this summer. i really think it's gonna to wear me down and seriously put a dent in the whole fun factor of summer break. plus heat and allergies are going to suck big time. hopefuly it'll be worth it.
Sunday, May 09, 2004
violence in all hands, embrace it if need be
in other news, new developments in the war on spyware in dave's computer. it seems when i came back from church today, somehow my screen had been contorted into some strange shape, roughly looking like )_( . so i'm about this close to just chucking the thing out the window. i guess later tonight i'll have to get more programs to kill this crap, because adaware is still failing me.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
too much trippin' and my soul's worn thin
i guess we'll see how that goes. i'd be great to get this job, and i'm not gonna be real happy if i don't, but i suppose i need to start looking around for alternatives just in case. i don't really have any idea where else to look for a full-time summer job. nick & tom's is actually worse in the summer; business is super slow compared to the winter, so they need less people for each shift.
i'm so sick of freakin' spyware. i thought i'd got rid of it all, and now it seems to be back in full force. random popups all the time that the google toolbar does not block, and they're not all from imesh, because they show up even when it's not running. oh, and my homepage keeps getting reset to some site, but the site always has an error and never loads. and adaware either doesn't pick this stuff up or doesn't remove it properly because it's still here. i'm so fed up that i decided i'm going to get rid of imesh. rob told me there's an imesh lite version without spyware, so i may give that a try. i also downloaded itunes, but i probably will want an alternative (free) program to use along with that anyway.
Thursday, May 06, 2004
shut my mouth and strike the demons
needless to say, if Half-Life 2 and DOOM 3 are released this year (June?) it will be a glorious year just for that. in fact, HL2 would do it for me. besides that, there are a ton of other great FPS games coming out this year. UT 2004 is still rockin my world, and i haven't even bothered to play that online yet. it should keep me rockin' for a very long time. i played the demo for Far Cry, which was sweet, and since it's been called "the best single-player experience since Half-Life" i'm really eager to get my hands on it. as much as i was addicted to Counter-Strike for over three years, i've always been a bigger fan of a good single-player campaign. even so, Battlefield Vietnam looks sweet, and i would love to score a copy of that. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is looking like it could be one of those great games that comes out of nowhere, with sweet looking graphics and a cool sounding storyline. of course, then there's Halo 2, which will lead to many many late weekend box parties. plus two great looking Star Wars games: Republic Commando and Battlefront that will hopefully rock. then there's still more, such as Joint Operations, Soldner, Goldeneye 2 and probably even more.
this year also has a few promising RTS games. first off, Battle For Middle-Earth, which looks incredible. then there's Rome: Total War, a great looking game (which reminds me that i still need to pick up Medieval: Total War as well). The add-on for Rise of Nations, Thrones & Patriots just came out. for some reason i've never played RoN, which is pretty rediculous since i'm a huge fan of the Civ series and RTS games
and there's stilll dozens more. Starcraft: Ghost may finally come out this year, and what could be cooler than Splinter Cell in the Starcraft universe? Madden NFL 2005 will hopefully be even better than 2004. Midway Arcade Treasures 2 looks like it could be a cool bundle of old-skool gaming goodness. Full Spectrum Warrior looks very promising as some good tactical squad combat. Kotor 2 may not be coming out till 2005, but i think i'll have enough to hold me over till then.
then of course, there's the amazing DVD goodness of the Star Wars Trilogy in September!! who's gonna watch all three on the 21st with me? of course, Last Samurai just came out, Return of the King soon with Extended later on. and Velvet Revolver's "Contraband" this June. no wonder my bank account is looking so slim. looks like i need to start prioritizing my purchases.
it feels good to get all that out.
i'm never alone, i'm alone all the time
the reds game wasn't the best, to say the least. the lost 6-2, and they only scored those 2 runs in the 9th, and we left after the 8th inning. up until then, they only had 2 hits the entire game. seeing the brewers guy hit a grand slam was kinda cool, only because i don't ever think i've seen one in person before. the weather was fairly wet and cold, but the rain stopped about the 5th or 6th inning, and could have been a lot worse. the catered food was good as ever, though. besides, sounds like i didn't miss anything since everyone got down to see Bush too late, and got closed out by the fire marshall.
so i've been thinking about getting a guitar. i was talking to my brother about it, since he knows a lot about them, and trying to get an idea on what i should buy. i think i finally would have the discipline to learn how to play; unlike my 2 month phase of trying to learn to play bass in sophmore year (although I still remember how to play Teen Spirit and Brain Stew). one thing that does worry me is that i won't have the patience to learn all the scales, chords, and all that, and instead i'll just wanna be jimmy page from the start... which will never ever happen. besides, buying a guitar mostly depends on whether or not i get this job.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
the words you say never seem to live up to the ones inside your head
i am bummed about missing Bush speak. rob, doug, austin, jess, jen, jenny, and just about everyone else in the world are all going down to see it. it'd be cool to see any president speak in person, but the fact that it's George W. Bush, in my opinion one of the best presidents we've had, makes me want to be there even more. but oh well, hopefully i'll have another 4 years to maybe see him speak.
Thursday, April 29, 2004
when you seek me you destroy me
wow, i wish i could write this easily about my dumb english paper. i hate having to worry about school so much. i've drank two red bulls, and i'm still tired as crap... what a waste that stuff is.
news to smile about... i have an interview with the delhi park people tomorrow for the same summer job dougie got, so hopefully everything goes well.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
i talked for hours to your wallet photograph
and yet, i'm still distracting myself even now: checking NFL draft results, reading about Justin's Adventures With The Mother From Stupidville, etc. at least i was smart enough to give my sister the UT2004 cd to hide from me till after wednesday, so i can work on this paper and my japanese history midterm. there's no way i'd get anything done with that around. looks like i'm gonna have to just turn on the b.s. machine and let it crank out another paper.
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
In related news, Warren Sapp may be in Oakland, but there's still plenty of loudmouths to hate in Tampa Bay. Idiot Simeon Rice's brilliant radio eulogy for Tillman was that "He really wasn't that good, not really. He was good enough to play in Arizona, [but] that's just like the XFL." He then made an attempt to complement Tillman by comparing him to someone like Rambo or Rocky. What a moron. Apparently Rice doesn't have a clue what duty or honor is. It's sad that a good man like Tillman had to die to defend people like Rice.
Monday, April 19, 2004
We Are Your Overloards
10. Spider-Man - wow, this one is gonna draw some fire. it was a pretty good movie, but i was disappointed, there was just too much cheesiness in it for me to like it as much as everyone else seemed to. a good movie, but not as good as the hype.
9. Independence Day - it was hyped as a huge blockbuster action movie, but it felt way more like a cheesy 50s sci-fi b-movie. likeable, but nowhere near that good.
8. Gone With the Wind - maybe you have to be over 60 to appreciate it, but i don't even see any groundbreaking cinematic elements for it's time that should make it as well known as it is.
7. It's A Wonderful Life - sure, it's cute. but does it need to be played constantly every holiday season?
6. Every Adam Sandler Comedy except Happy Gilmour and Billy Madison - let's face it, every adam sandler movie is essentially the same. even Happy Gilmour and Billy Madison are basically the same as the Waterboy or Mr Deeds, but at least it was funny back then. now it's just old.
5. Apocalypse Now - i was expecting a great movie, considering all the critical hype this movie always gets. while there were a few cool sequences, like the "flight of the valkeries" scene, the rest was so boring i actually fell asleep by the end.
4. The Harry Potter movies - i'll admit, i mocked harry potter before i ever saw any of the movies. but since they were so big and even people my age liked them, i thought i'd check them out. wow, if this is the biggest thing out there for kids now, i am even more afraid of what's going to become of the younger generation.
3. Pearl Harbor - talk about a movie with such great potential, made so terrible because they had to turn it into a crappy love story.
2. Full Metal Jacket - stanley kubrick, what happened? the first half of the movie was just terrible, and then it had nothing to do with the mediocre second half.
1. Titanic - to this day i can't understand how this movie grossed over 600 million dollars. good special effects, and that's about all you can say for this.
i have the feeling that doug's list and my list are going to be basically the same. hopefully i didn't miss anything, cause now we gotta go to english.